The Heal Happy Membership

A virtual wellness experience that helps you uncover your soul-led healing journey and path to happiness.

If you have ever started working on shifting your life but found yourself saying: 

“I had no idea I have so much to work on.”

“I am so overwhelmed with where to start.” 

“It feels like I have so much to tackle at once.” 

The Heal Happy Membership is for you. 

Inside you will find:

the opportunity to create a gradual evolution for healing without the pressure to do it all right now. 

I want you to feel confident that you are exactly where you need to be on your journey and can absolutely create your own path forward. 

The Heal Happy Membership brings people together that are on similar paths, building a safe space for community and connection. 

You will have all of the tools and resources you need for your mind, body, and spirit healing. 

This membership meets you exactly where you’re at without the shame of feeling like you should be further along. You will immediately feel empowered to take control of your life, one step at a time. 

Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to receive 1:1 coaching and support throughout your membership experience that will bring you personalized guidance. 

Here’s How it Works:

After you’ve signed up for the Heal Happy Membership you’ll get exclusive access to the library of resources that you can explore at your own pace. I’ll be sending you a special welcome with where to start and how to get plugged in. 

What’s Inside?

You’ll find an entire portal full of resources & tools broken into categories for whichever area of focus you’d like to have. 


Awaken your intuition by healing the body. We will take  action by shifting our eating, detoxing the body, digging deep into our spirit, our habits and our whys.


Navigating emotions that consume our day-to-day as empaths. Your ability to feel is a gift. We just have to learn how to use our superpowers. Tap in with journal prompts & more!


We’ll explore your unique personal needs and ways you can support your mind, body, and soul with self-care that is tangible. It doesn’t have to be complicated!


Whatever you’re wanting to shift, it will happen. Stop focusing on the destination. Focus on the day you’re in. The journey you GET to be on.


Navigating empathic or highly intuitive abilities is hard. We feel the good, the bad and the bullshit on some deep levels. Let’s navigate this together!


Once inside the membership you’ll also gain exclusive access to Meditations, sound baths, plus live group calls and programs!

Hi friend! My name is Britt!

I’ve been in the healing arts for over 18 years. It’s not a career. It’s an unrelenting passion, fire, and desire to lift people into seeing their true potential. It is my life’s work. My journey into this space began when I was a small child. I knew I was different but couldn’t quite describe it. I wasn’t raised in a home with holistic healing and certainly didn’t know what it was to be an intuitive. What I did know is that I communicated with God, could feel people’s emotions, and experienced life differently than others.

While I spent most of my teens and early twenties trying to fit a mold, it wasn’t until I dropped out of college that I slowly started to wake.

God clearly spoke to me and told me to go to Massage school. I signed up a week later and my life trajectory shifted to guiding people through their healing.

My arsenal of tools is vast. My ability to see things differently allows me to pinpoint needs. I communicate with God and Angels to deliver the guidance. I can feel you, understand and assist you. I’m here to help you.

Honored to be on this path with you.

Light and love,

I know you can heal. 

I know you are capable of making time. I know you are capable of budgeting for your care. I know you are capable of following through with recommendations with your healers between appointments to keep your body well. I know you are capable.

Step out of being a victim. Step into your autonomy and quit complaining about a body or a life that isn’t changing due to lack of action.

We are constantly fed ideas of a broken world but if you squint your eyes real tight…look through the illusion… will see many of us tearing down walls, confronting ourselves, opening our hearts and healing.

  • "From the moment I walked through the doors of Britt’s studio, I felt at ease; felt that this was a safe space where I could share my stories, my trauma, my life. I knew immediately that Britt was going to be a guiding light in my life; someone who was going to help me make a profound change. I came to Britt in a moment when I felt lost & sad, not knowing what my next step was going to be. She helped me see the way forward. She helped me start healing from trauma; some I didn’t even realize were there."

  • "The lessons I’ve taken from each session have strengthened me and the messages that come through follow me even after the session has ended. Some realizations come later and hit me like lightning; “Holy bleep…that’s what they were trying to tell me!” I’m still learning and growing and know Britt will always be there sharing her gift, her wisdom & her love. Britt came into my life at a point when I needed her the most and I am forever grateful. She is an incredible human, healer & friend."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will have access to everything included in the Heal Happy Membership for the entire duration of your enrollment. Access will be revoked should you cancel your subscription.

  • All self-led materials are delivered in written, video, and audio formats to help you navigate your journey no matter what your learning style is.

  • Your journey is unique to you and your goals. It’s recommended that you carve out time each week to dive into the learning materials and plan for implementation in your life.

  • This is a lifelong process and you are encouraged to adapt your learning inside the membership into your lifestyle. You won’t find quick fixes here, we are aiming for sustainable growth!

  • This is an 8-week virtual or in-person healing group inside the Heal Happy Membership that will empower you to nurture your intuition, cultivate self-love, and navigate spiritual realms with grace and authenticity. For non-members, the investment will be $350 per person for groups of 4, or $250 per person for groups of 6+.